it's 2.30 a.m now ,
i still haven't sleep because of insomnia. :(
D A M N I T !
huh ,
i feel that something goes wrong with my relationship problem.
what's wrong? i don't know.
i just feel like i had a complicated relationship problem ! :(
S U C K I T !
dear 2012 ,
please be good to me.
i really dislike happen this kind of thing.
it's only will destroy the feeling between me and she. :(
it's only will destroy the feeling between me and she. :(
S T O P I T !
so ,
C M Y be clever in this year. don't so stupid believe a boy anymore.
they not that good as you think like that.
they just lying you, they not loving you with all his heart.
S O , B E S M A R T !
Chak Meun Yee ,
please study hard and don't let your parent look down you anymore.
please don't let your parent being disappointed again.
please forget all about the past and get ready for your future.
stop at here ,
good night everyone :)